New SPDES Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activity – Issued February 20, 2018 and
Effective March 1, 2018
Effective March 1, 2018
SPDES Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges
Associated with Industrial Activity (GP-0-17-004)
The permit was issued on February 20, 2018 and goes into effect on March 1, 2018. Existing permittees have interim coverage for 120 calendar days (June 29, 2018). A new Notice of Intent (NOI) must be submitted to DEC within 90 calendar days (May 30, 2018). During the interim coverage period, permittees must update the facility Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and potentially update facility practices to come in compliance with the new permit terms and conditions.
The following changes are promulgated under the new permit:
- Twice a year Benchmark and Numeric Effluent Limit sampling (January 1-June 30 and July 1-Dec 31) and reporting (Discharge Monitoring Reports) submitted by July 28th and January 28th, respectively;
- The Annual Certification Report (ACR) be submitted by January 28 of each year;
- With biannual sampling, the Corrective Action Form is no longer be necessary;
- Storm event data forms remain;
- The Notice of Modification form no longer exists. Modification will be done under to update NOI information;
- Mandatory electronic reporting using NetDMR for Discharge Monitoring Reports and for Notices of Intent and Annual Certification Reports;
- The Alternative Certification of “Not Present” or “No exposure” waiver for Benchmark monitoring has been eliminated;
- Owner/operators with at least one stormwater discharge, associated with industrial activity, to an MS4 to submit ACRs or DMRs to the MS4 Operator upon the MS4’s request;
- In order for the Representative Outfall Waiver to again apply, the owner/operator must submit a new Representative Outfall Waiver Form certifying that the results of two consecutive monitoring periods reported to the Department show that the outfall has no exceedances of benchmark monitoring cutoff concentrations;
- Removed the State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) and endangered or threatened species ineligibility criteria;
- Updated non-numeric effluent limits include requirements for minimizing exposure, good housekeeping, maintenance, spill prevention and response procedures, and employee training. These updates must be reflected in the SWPPP including documentation of owner or operator compliance with the nonnumeric effluent limits;
- Baghouse maintenance being required on a regular basis (Inspecting and maintaining baghouses quarterly during periods of operation, or in accordance with manufacturers recommendations, to prevent the escape of dust from the system and immediately removing any accumulated dust at the base of the exterior baghouse (Part IIA3a. (3)) and SWPPP must describe inspection and maintenance procedures (Part IIIA7c(3));
- The discharge of vehicle and equipment washwater, including tank cleaning operations, is not authorized by this permit. These wastewaters must be covered under a separate SPDES permit, discharged to a sanitary sewer in accordance with applicable industrial pretreatment requirements, or disposed of otherwise in accordance with applicable law. (Part IIA1 Note);
- Addition of requirement to sample discharge of stormwater from secondary containment after cleanup of a spill (Part IIA12c and d and Part IVD4);
- Catch basin maintenance: Cleaning catch basins when the depth of debris reaches two-thirds of the sump depth and keeping the debris surface at least six inches below the lowest outlet pipe (Part IIA3a. (4));
- Dumpster and roll-off stormwater discharge monitoring and sampling (Keep all dumpster lids closed when not in use. For dumpsters and roll off boxes that do not have lids and could leak, ensure that discharges have a control (e.g., secondary containment, treatment)); and
- No changes proposed to the sector-specific requirements for Sectors D - Asphalt Paving & Roofing Materials & Lubricant Manufacturers; E – Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete and Gypsum Products; and J - Mining and Mineral Dressing other than the twice a year sampling.
CPI has significant experience in this program, has closely followed the proposed changes, and provided substantial comments on the draft permits. We are well situated to assist you with the required SWPPP updates and preparation of the Notices of Intent. Please contact Maryann Ashworth at 518-458-9203 x 311 or [email protected] to schedule your facility(ies).